The weather during the period of 10 days in Bremen:
Avg. temp
Daily values
Avg. Norm. Deviation Records Highest Lowest Records
Max.: 14.0 13.8 +0.2 TX TX 21.5 10.3 TX TX
Avg.: 9.7 8.7 +1.0 TG TG 16.3 6.3 TG TG
Min.: 5.2 3.2 +2.0 TN TN 11.4 -0.8 TN TN
Speed Wind force Hourly Avg. Gust Direction
Avg. 4.9 m/s 3 bft
Max. 17.3 m/s
Sum Norm. Deviation
Sunshine (hours): 48.8 63.4 -14.6
Precipitation (mm): 14.9 11.1 +3.8
Precipitation (hours):
Percentage Norm. Deviation
Sunshine Percentage (%):
Hellmangetal: 0.0 Warmtegetal: 0.0
IJsdagen 0 Vorstdagen: 1
Tropische dagen: 0 Zomerse dagen: 0

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