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The information provided on this website has been prepared to the best of our knowledge. Nevertheless, errors can not generally be ruled out and we assume no liability for resulting damages or disadvantages. Furthermore, Wetterzentrale is not responsible for the content of linked external sites.
Wetterzentrale depends solely on open-source projects and we therefore acknowledge the contributions of the following projects:
wradlib package
the R project
data.table package
Furthermore we also acknowledge all the national weather institutes for providing some of their data freely available.
About the developers:
Georg Müller
Georg studied physics and meteorology in Karlsruhe. During his studies from 1994 onwards, he also developed Wetterzentrale, one of the first weather websites in Europe that is updated regularly and offered weather maps based on model data. Today he works as a meteorologist at Reuters / Refinitiv and operates the wetterzentrale together with Rogier Floors. In his free time he likes to go hiking, taking photos and observing nature.
Rogier Floors
Rogier Floors is a researcher at the Technical University of Denmark and over the last years he developed the websites weergegevens.nl and wetterzentrale.de. In 2007 he created the website weergegevens.nl which provided graphs and statistics about the weather in the Netherlands. After 2016 he made a new design for wetterzentrale and extended the information that was available on that site. Over the years weergegevens.nl was merged into wetterzentrale.de. If there is any updates to the website you can read them on twitter:
Uso de material en esta página web:
Los mapas y la data de Wetterzentrale puede ser usada y vinculada sin costo alguno, siempre y cuando el propósito del uso no sea comercial y la fuente este citada como www.wetterzentrale.de.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.